Tips & Tricks on choosing a good PTC

below are some tips and tricks to choose a good PTC:

1. PTC sites are not sites Copas (copy paste) any of the other PTC sites. Good looks, the more features.

2. Notice all the features of these PTC sites, ranging from the payout rules as well as advertising rates, rate per-click, tariff upgrades, and other provisions. If the same as any other PTC site, that's just a copy paste it. It was obvious that the Admin is not the person skilled in business investment.

3. Look closely at payout rules. try to calculate, whether reasonable or not. Do not be tempted by an easy payout system, but will lose the middle of the road. Admins who are good it will make a system with a payout of certain restrictions in order to maintain stability between revenues and expenditures.

4. There are advantages that logically between member uppgrade with standard member. If it makes sense, please uppgrade, but if not, should not uppgrade. Note also the excess all levels uppgrade if any.

5. The last and often forgotten, read carefully the TOS (Terms Of Service) PTC is before you decide to join. Most members just check 'agree' without reading the TOS. Many of the TOS is designed to ensnare the right mate as a member, so read the TOS before joining.

Hopefully the above tips and tricks can be a little assist you in choosing a good ptc.



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